Coach, Strategist, Designer

Mentor for Bringing the Next into Being

There’s a vision for a more beautiful world inside each of us. And it is not a fantasy. It’s an evolutionary impulse. However small or grand that vision may be, let yourself have it. And then let it have you. Let your vision call itself into being. You don’t need to know the how. 

I support emerging visionaries, purposeful creatives, empathic leaders, and healers of all kinds in the process of birthing, clarifying, and enacting their unique vision for a more beautiful world.

Over the past decade, I have immersed myself in the fields of visual design and brand strategy, refining a reflective and emergent approach to bringing formlessness into form. In parallel, I have dedicated the last 15 years to extensive training, practice, and teaching in meditation, psychospiritual development, and embodied methods of self-inquiry.

I bring this unique combination of skills and perspectives to support people in the inner and outer work of incubating, claiming, and birthing their imaginings into being so they can bring their much-needed medicine to bear in a world gone mad.

Offerings & Projects

Transformative Coaching

A unique 1-1 container for turning off the noise of the outside to anchor into your unique signature so you can bring your medicine to the world.

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Brand Strategy & Web Design

An emergent approach to brand strategy and visual design rooted in honoring your authentic voice and expression to bring your soul’s work into form.

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Imaginisma is new kind of creative incubator; an imagination incubator for remembering, contacting, and amplifying the aliveness and grace of being human.

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